Pull up a seat and I’ll tell you a story about a Mob Princess and a DEA Agent… #ASMSG |

Ok, so a few weeks back I asked you if you’d like me to read from one of my books, and of those who voted, a majority picked First, I Love You. Since most of you didn’t have a preference for the scene I went by the one most often mentioned to me, which is when James & Kiki first meet at her 21st birthday party in the Trump Tower, downtown Chicago.

If you’ve read the book you known that each chapter is told from a different point of view from each of the six main characters. This is an excerpt from Chapter Eight, DEA Agent James Hoffman’s POV.

PS–This is my first attempt at making a video and the quality isn’t the best, but hopefully I will get the hang of it and do better next time. 🙂

You can watch the video here, on my YouTube Channel or on my Goodreads Page


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