About Gen


Genevieve Dewey is the author of The Downey Trilogy and short stories The Bird Day Battalion & The V-Day Aversion. She is a wife, mother, sister, friend and Anthropologist. She loves intelligent debates but has zero tolerance for uninformed opinions (unless it’s stated up front it is based upon an irrational belief in which case props for your honesty!).

She was raised mostly in Nebraska and partly in Arizona. Her parents are from Chicago. Don’t get her started on the subject of Chicago unless you want to be bored to death about how awesome Chicago is.

She got her Bachelor’s in Anthropology from Texas A&M University (Whoop!) and a Master’s degree from University of Nebraska-Lincoln (Go Big Red!). She worked as an Applied Anthropologist for years (even ran her own research company for awhile) before taking a few years off to be a stay at home mom. Now she is a freelance writer and author.

She has three insanely brilliant and diabolical children and an incredibly funny and patient husband who is not a Dewey (for which he is thankful because that would be gross) and who hates Chicago (for which his wife forgives him on account of the funny and patient part).

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  1. Oh..I am really liking your blog. i will have to come back when i have more time and also have a look at your books. Sorry for not visiting before..I don’t know how I missed it!..I must study now or be spanked!!

    Study it is as my spanker is not around!


    1. Oh thank you for coming to visit! I like your blog very much and I’m happy for you finding your other half (and for him too!). I actually like studying (geek alert). ;P


      1. ..I like studying too..just don’t like it when I am so near to deadlines!

        Thank you for your kind thoughts of our union…


          1. Gemini, it might be a little while, but I will answer your questions, I promise! I already did the full Liebster, so I hope you don’t mind if I just answer your questions. *hugs*


    1. Hi Jim! I already received it once, thank you so very much for thinking of me! If I get a chance I might just do another seven facts and link back to your blog. 🙂


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